LUQR - Matrix Decomposer and Solver

This javascript library decomposes a matrix AA using LU, LDL, or QR decomposition and solves linear matrix equations such as Ax=bA x = b.

Written in literate coffescript, this document is generated directly from the library source.

100% unit test coverage for correctness and compatibility. No outside dependencies.

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For example, to decompose a matrix AA into lower and upper triangular matrices:

luqr = require('luqr').luqr

A = [
  [1, 1,  1]
  [0, 2,  5]
  [2, 5, -1]

{L, U} = luqr.decomposeLU(A)

Then, L is

  [1,   0, 0]
  [0,   1, 0]
  [2, 1.5, 1]

U is

  [1, 1,     1]
  [0, 2,     5]
  [0, 0, -10.5]

And, for example, to solve Ax=bA x = b:

b = [6, -4, 27]
x = luqr.solve(A, b)

then x is

[5, 3, -2]

What's the Difference between LU, LDL, and QR decomposition?

LU Decomposition decomposes a square matrix AA into a lower triangular matrix, LL, and an upper triangular matrix, UU, such that A=LUA = L U. To solve a linear equation like Ax=bA x = b we can use forward substition to solve Ly=bL y = b for yy, then backward subtitution to solve Ux=yU x = y for xx.

LDL Decomposition, on the other hand, decomposes a square, symmetric matrix into a lower triangular matrix, LL, and a diagonal matrix DD, such that A=LDLA = L D L^\intercal. To solve a linear equation like Ax=bA x = b we can use forward substition to solve Ly=bL y = b for yy, then solve diagonal Dz=yD z = y for zz, then finally use backward subtitution to solve Lx=zL^\intercal x = z for xx.

QR Decomposition decomposes any m-by-n matrix AA into an m-by-m matrix QQ whose columns are orthogonal unit vectors and an m-by-n upper triangular matrix, RR, such that A=QRA = Q R. Works for both overdetermined and underdetermined matrices. To solve a linear equation like Ax=bA x = b, our algorithm produces a partial result QRQR from which we construct Qb=yQ^\intercal b = y then solve Rx=yR x = y for xx.

Which one should I use?

If you aren't sure, just use the solve method, and it will choose the best decomposition method for you.

Otherwise, this table may help you choose a decomposition method based on the characteristics of your matrix AA.

Method Matrix Requirements Speed
LDL square, symmetric, non-singular Fastest
LU square, non-singular Fast
QR any Moderate

What about Cholesky Decomposition?

LDL decomposition is just as fast as Cholesky decomposition, but LDL avoids performing any square roots and is therefore faster and more numerically stable. For more, see this wikipedia article.


By default, all methods expect matrices to be an Array of Arrays or an Array of TypedArrays.

But, since we want this library to be utilized across many different formats for matrix storage, we support input and output of flat or multidimensional Arrays or TypedArrays.

To use a flat array, simply use the fold and flatten methods.

luqr = require('luqr').luqr

# A flat TypedArray representing a 3-by-3 matrix
flat = new Float32Array([1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 5, 2, 5, -1])

# Fold the TypedArray
A = luqr.fold(flat, 3)

# Perform decomposition
{L, U} = luqr.decomposeLU(A)

# Flatten the output matrices. These will be Float32Arrays
L = luqr.flatten(L)
U = luqr.flatten(U)


module wrapper

((namespace) ->


Decomposes a square matrix AA into a lower triangular matrix, LL, and an upper triangular matrix, UU, such that A=LUA = L U.



Returns an Object that contains:

  decomposeLU = (A) ->
    # Verify inputs. Require an n-by-n matrix `A`.
    return null unless isSquareMatrix(A)

    n = A.length
    L = [0...n].map(-> copy(A[0], -> 0))
    U = [0...n].map(-> copy(A[0], -> 0))

    # Initialize L's daigonal
    for j in [0...n]
      L[j][j] = 1

    # Initialize U's first row
    for j in [0...n]
      U[0][j] = A[0][j]

    # Doolittle's Algorithm
    for i in [1...n]
      for j in [0...n]

        # Fill in L's row up to i
        for k in [0...i]
          s = A[i][k]
          for p in [0...k]
            s -= L[i][p] * U[p][k]
          L[i][k] = s / U[k][k]

        # Fill in U's row from i to n
        for k in [i...n]
          s = A[i][k]
          for p in [0...i]
            s -= L[i][p] * U[p][k]
          U[i][k] = s

    return {L, U}


Decomposes a square, symmetric matrix into a lower triangular matrix, LL, and a diagonal matrix DD, such that A=LDLA = L D L^\intercal



If no decomposition exists, this method returns null. Otherwise, it returns an Object that contains:

  decomposeLDL = (A) ->
    # Verify inputs. Require an n-by-n symmetric matrix `A`.
    return null unless isSquareMatrix(A) and isSymmetricMatrix(A)

    # Intialize outputs matrix `L` and diagonal array `d`.
    n = A.length
    L = [0...n].map(-> copy(A[0], -> 0))
    d = copy(A[0], -> 0)

    # For each row in `L`:
    for j in [0...n]

      # Compute diagonal of `L` and `D`.
      L[j][j] = 1
      a       = A[j][j]
      for k in [0...j]
        a -= d[k] * L[j][k] * L[j][k]
      d[j] = a

      # If diagonal `d[j]` is zero, then `A` has no decomposition.
      # So, return `null`.
      if d[j] is 0 then return null

      # Zero rest of row and adjust further rows of `L`.
      for i in [(j + 1)...n]
        L[j][i] = 0
        a       = A[i][j]
        for k in [0...j]
          a -= d[k] * L[i][k] * L[j][k]
        L[i][j] = a / d[j]

    # Finally, return decomposition.
    return {L, d}


Decomposes any m-by-n matrix AA into an m-by-m matrix QQ whose columns are orthogonal unit vectors and an m-by-n upper triangular matrix, RR, such that A=QRA = Q R. Works for both overdetermined and underdetermined matrices.

This algorithm uses the Householder Reflections approach which is more stable than the Gram–Schmidt process. For more, see this wikipedia article.

The output is somewhat awkward, but it is not necessary to completely construct QQ and RR to solve Ax=bA x = b.

This method based on this mapack implementation



Returns an Object that contains:

  decomposeQRPartial = (A) ->
    QR       = copy(A, (a) -> copy(a))
    m        = A.length
    n        = A[0].length
    d        = [0...m].map -> 0
    singular = false

    for k in [0...n] by 1
      # Compute 2-norm of k-th column.
      # TODO use hypotenuse to avoid over/underflow
      sum = 0
      for i in [k...m] by 1
        sum += QR[i][k] * QR[i][k]
      nrm = Math.sqrt(sum)

      # Detect singular case.
      if nrm is 0.0
        d[k]     = 0
        singular = true

      # Form k-th Householder vector.
      if QR[k][k] < 0 then nrm *= -1
      for i in [k...m] by 1
        QR[i][k] /= nrm
      QR[k][k] += 1.0

      # Apply transformation to remaining columns.
      for j in [(k+1)...n] by 1
        sum = 0
        for i in [k...m] by 1
          sum += QR[i][k] * QR[i][j]
        sum = -sum / QR[k][k]

        for i in [k...m] by 1
          QR[i][j] += sum * QR[i][k]

      d[k] = -nrm
    return {QR, d, singular}


Decomposes any m-by-n matrix AA into an m-by-m matrix QQ whose columns are orthogonal unit vectors and an m-by-n upper triangular matrix, RR, such that A=QRA = Q R. Works for both overdetermined and underdetermined matrices.

This method computes the partial solution and then constructs the matrices QQ and RR.



Returns an Object that contains:

  decomposeQR = (A) ->
    {QR, d, singular} = decomposeQRPartial(A)
    m = A.length
    n = A[0].length

    # Create m-by-n upper triangular matrix R.
    R = reshape(m, n, A[0])

    # Fill in R
    for i in [0...m]
      for j in [0...n]
        if i < j or j >= m then R[i][j] = QR[i][j]
        else if i is j then R[i][j] = d[i]
        else R[i][j] = 0

    # Create the orthogonal matrix Q.
    Q = reshape(m, m, A[0])

    # Construct the rest of Q
    for k in [(m - 1)..0] by -1
      for i in [0...m] by 1
        Q[i][k] = 0.0

      Q[k][k] = 1.0
      for j in [k...m] by 1
        if not (j < m) then continue
        if QR[k][k] isnt 0 and QR[k]?[k]?
          s = 0
          for i in [k...m] by 1
            s += QR[i][k] * Q[i][j]
          s = -s / QR[k][k]

          for i in [k...m] by 1
            Q[i][j] += s * QR[i][k]

    return {Q, R, singular}


Solves a system of linear equations expressed by the matrix equation Ax=bA x = b.

AA is an m-by-n matrix and bb is a 1-by-n vector.



  solve = (A, b) ->
    # Verify inputs. Require an m-by-n matrix `A` and 1-by-n vector `b`.
    return null unless b.length is A.length

    if not isSquareMatrix(A)
      return solveQR(A, b)
    else if isSymmetricMatrix(A)
      return solveLDL(A, b)
      return solveLU(A, b)


Solves Ax=bA x = b using LU decomposition.

Same input/output as solve.

  solveLU = (A, b) ->
    # Decompose `A` into `L * U`
    res = decomposeLU(A)
    return null unless res?
    {L, U} = res

    # Solve `L * y = b`.
    y = forwardSubstition(L, b)

    # Solve `U * x = y`.
    x = backwardSubtitution(U, y)

    return x


Solves Ax=bA x = b using LDL decomposition. Note that AA must be symmetric.

Same input/output as solve.

  solveLDL = (A, b) ->
    # Decompose `A` into `L * D * L'`
    res = decomposeLDL(A)
    return null unless res?
    {L, d} = res

    # Solve `L * y = b`.
    y = forwardSubstition(L, b)

    # Solve `L * z = y`.
    z = copy(y, (yi, i) -> yi / d[i])

    # Solve `U * x = y`.
    x = backwardSubtitution(L, z, transposed = true)

    return x


Solves Ax=bA x = b using QR decomposition. Note that AA may be any m-by-n matrix.

In the case that AA is overdetermined, this method produces the least-squares estimate of the solution, i.e. it minimizes Axb\parallel A x - b \parallel.

Same input/output as solve.

  solveQR = (A, b) ->
    {QR, d} = decomposeQRPartial(A)

    y = copy(b)
    m = QR.length
    n = QR[0].length

    # Only use m columns if underdetermined.
    cols = if m < n then m else n

    # Compute y = Q' * b for y
    for k in [0...cols] by 1
      sum = 0
      for i in [k...m] by 1
        sum += QR[i][k] * y[i]
      sum = -sum / QR[k][k]
      for i in [k...m] by 1
        y[i] += sum * QR[i][k]

    # Solve R * x = y for x
    x = copy(y)
    for k in [(cols-1)..0] by -1
      x[k] /= d[k]
      for i in [0...k]
        x[i] -= x[k] * QR[i][k]

    # Fill in zeros for the underdetermined case.
    if m < n
      for k in [cols...n] by 1
        x[k] = 0

    # Finally, truncate for the result to match the column count of A for
    # the overdetermined case.
    else if n < m
      x = x.slice(0, n)

    return x

forwardSubstition(L, b)

Performs forward substitution with n-by-n lower triangular matrix LL and 1-by-n vector bb to solve Lx=bL x = b .

  forwardSubstition = (L, b) ->
    n = L.length
    x = copy(b, -> 0)

    for i in [0...n]
      x[i] = b[i]
      for j in [0...i]
        x[i] -= x[j] * L[i][j]
      x[i] /= L[i][i]

    return x

backwardSubtitution(U, b, [transposed = false])

Performs back substitution with n-by-n upper triangular matrix UU and 1-by-n vector bb to solve Ux=bU x = b. When used with LDL decomposition, U=LU = L^\intercal is actually LL, so we transpose to coordinates on lookup.

  backwardSubtitution = (U, b, transposed = false) ->
    n = U.length
    x = copy(b, -> 0)

    for i in [(n-1)..0] by -1
      x[i] = b[i]
      for j in [(i + 1)...n] by 1
        x[i] -= x[j] * (if transposed then U[j][i] else U[i][j])
      x[i] /= U[i][i]

    return x

Utility methods

We verify that the inputs to our solve and decompose methods are actually n-by-n matrices. LDL further requires a symmetric matrix.

  isSquareMatrix = (A) ->
    return false unless Array.isArray(A)
    return false unless A.length > 0
    return false unless A[0].length is A.length
    return true

  isSymmetricMatrix = (A) ->
    n = A.length
    for i in [0...n]
      for j in [0...n]
        if j isnt i and A[i][j] isnt A[j][i] then return false
    return true

In order to support multiple matrix data types, we use this copy method to construct new Arrays or TypedArrays. This method creates a new instance of x's type, and then copies its elements, which are optionally passed through a map method.

  copy = (x, map) ->
    y = x.constructor.apply(null, [x.length])
    for i in [0...x.length] then do -> y[i] = map?(x[i], i) ? x[i]
    return y

Furthermore, for QR decomposition, we need to create arbitrary m-by-n matrices using the internal Array or TypedArray type.

  reshape = (rows, cols, typedObject) ->
    return [0...rows].map ->
     y = typedObject.constructor.apply(null, [cols])
     for i in [0...cols] then y[i] = 0
     return y

In order to support multiple matrix layouts, we use this fold method to fold an Array or TypedArray of length n * width into an Array of rows with width elements each.

  fold = (array, width = 1) ->
    folder = array.slice ? array.subarray
    A = for n in [0...array.length] by width then do ->
      folder.apply(array, [n, n + width])
    return A

The flatten method will combine a row-major Array of arrays and flatten it back into the type of the folded array.

  flatten = (matrix) ->
    n = matrix.length
    array = matrix[0].constructor.apply(null, [n*n])
    for i in [0...n]
      for j in [0...n]
        array[i * n + j] = matrix[i][j]
    return array


This library uses universal module export syntax. This will work in node.js (CommonJS), ADMs (RequireJS), and a <script> in the browser.

  namespace.luqr = {


© themadcreator@github